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Thanks to the perfect smoothness and strength of the profiled beam, the walls are smooth and reliable, and do not require additional processing. Nevertheless, finishing with siding enjoys a certain demand among owners of country houses.

Why hide the natural beauty and unique texture of wood under plastic or metal panels? There can be two reasons: either the log house was built several decades ago, or it is intended for permanent residence, so siding treatment is needed for its insulation.

Siding – is a durable facing material used for cladding a house. The first siding was wooden. In the middle of the 19th century in North America, to protect country houses from wind and rain, people began to nail painted wooden boards to the walls of the house at a certain angle. This option of facing the house came to be called siding. Siding has become so popular that it is made not only to protect a country house from the influence of the external environment, but also exclusively for decorative purposes. If you want to deal with siding cladding with your own hands, then you need to choose the right siding in terms of color and appearance. Let’s consider the main types of siding used in suburban construction.

Types of siding

Types of siding are divided by materials. Today, panels are made from 6 different materials, so there are only 6 types of siding.

Basement – is used not only for facing the facade, but also for the interior decoration of the house. When choosing and buying basement siding, pay attention to the uniformity of panel painting, the presence of an anti-hurricane lock, and check the thickness along the entire length of the panel – it should not change.


  • beautiful appearance (imitates natural stones and facing bricks)
  • resistant to the influence of external environmental factors.

Cement – obtained from cellulose fiber and cement. Cement siding panels, as a rule, are embossed, with variously shaped patterns. Residential buildings are practically not covered with this type of siding.


  • a large mass of material, as a result of which the load on the foundation of the house increases
  • high cost
  • difficult to install.

Advantages: – non-flammable

Vinyl – the most popular, used when facing the facade of the house. Made of two-layer vinyl panels. The outer layer protects the material from sunlight and various precipitations, and the inner strong layer prevents changes in geometric parameters. The outer surface of the siding is textured and smooth. Facing with vinyl siding in the 50s became available to the American population, thanks to the company Crane, which was the first to come up with and began to produce this type of siding. Today, several domestic manufacturers produce high-quality vinyl siding.


  • has high resistance to a large number of external influences
  • is not prone to rotting and corrosion
  • can be used when facing any facade
  • retains its original appearance for up to 50 years
  • requires minimal care
  • the presence of holes ensures good air exchange and removal of excess condensate from the inside.

Wooden – produced by pressing wood fibers and resins at high temperatures. In connection with the appearance of vinyl siding, wooden siding has lost its relevance and today is practically not used when facing facades.

Advantages: -looks like a real tree


  • short-lived material
  • catches fire easily
  • requires constant care (painting, impregnation, etc.)
  • high cost.

Aluminum – it is popular when facing warehouse and production premises.


  • has fire-resistant properties
  • low cost of the material
  • is not prone to rotting and corrosion
  • retains its original appearance for a long time
  • minimal care is required.

Disadvantages: – has low shock resistance.

Steel siding – used for cladding warehouses, workshops and industrial buildings.


  • a variety of colors
  • not prone to decay


  • the large mass of steel siding increases the load on the foundation of the house
  • high cost
  • steel siding is not recoverable after damage
  • prone to rotting and corrosion

Of course, steel in itself commands respect, but only when it comes to anything other than siding. Steel siding is not in great demand when facing country houses, and in principle this is understandable. The disadvantages outweigh the advantages of steel siding.

Vinyl siding is a new “clothing” for an old house.

The popularity of wooden houses came, or rather, returned, in the early 90s, it was then that the houses and baths that are so popular today began to be massively built from profiled timber. But these pioneers of wooden house construction often forgot (or did not consider it necessary) to protect them with special antiseptic compositions that protect wood from burning, cracking, damage by fungi and mold. Therefore, today’s siding decoration is the fastest and easiest way to return the former attractiveness to already unaesthetic, but still solid wooden houses.

But wood siding treatment is not particularly popular due to its high cost and short service life, cement siding creates harmful dust during cutting, and steel panels are almost impossible to find on the construction market. There are only two options to choose from: vinyl and aluminum siding. Vinyl profile, with similar operational characteristics, is much cheaper, which is why it is the main material for repairing country houses. The low weight of PVC panels allows you to finish the siding yourself, and the variety of colors and textures allows you to achieve an original appearance. The service life of vinyl siding promised by siding contractor kansas city is 40 years, during which all care will consist of periodic washing of dirt and dust from the panels. The only drawbackvinyl profile – is the quick burning of panels of bright colors, therefore, siding treatment in calm pastel shades, which preserve the original color much better, is in great demand.

Finishing with siding and warming the house.

If the installation of siding has only a decorative function, then lathing for fastening to wooden walls is not required. The situation is completely different if you have to insulate the house from timber, then you cannot do without a foundation. The beam for the crate must be treated with an antiseptic and installed on the surface of the facade at a distance of 40 centimeters. It is important to remember that the grating is not nailed to wooden walls, but is attached with self-tapping screws. A layer of insulation is placed on the finished crate, which is covered with vinyl panels. The thickness of the grating bars should be sufficient to leave a gap between the profile and the insulation, as the facade should be ventilated.

Low cost, quick installation, long service life – are the main advantages of vinyl siding. Finishing with siding allows the owner of a country house to forget about painting and repairing the facade for many years, as well as save a lot of money on heating.

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