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Fighting cocks with areca nut eyes – How to check the eyes to choose the right chicken

Areca nut-eyed fighting chicken is a famous fighting chicken breed in Vietnam. They are popular because of their beautiful appearance, strong fighting ability and high aggressiveness. In this article, let’s explore with Trang Chủ 789BET the personality traits of this breed of fighting cock with unique areca nut eyes to see if they are qualified to participate in cockfighting fights or not.

Appearance characteristics of areca nut-eyed fighting cocks

Fighting cocks are known as fierce warriors in cockfighting rings. To choose the right breed of chicken, you can rely on their appearance characteristics.

Physical characteristics

They possess an extremely majestic, strong and proud physique with a toned body and strong muscles creating irresistible power. In particular, this breed of chicken has an impressive height, on average about 50 – 60 cm, making it easy for them to launch powerful blows.

Besides, they have an average weight of 2.5 – 3.5 kg, allowing them to launch powerful kicks and cause high damage. Despite their large physique, they are not slow at all, but on the contrary, very agile and flexible. This is what makes them true warriors in the arena.

Characteristics of the head, eyes, comb, and beak of fighting cocks

The head of a fighting cock is often compact and elegant, with a developed skull, creating an intelligent and agile appearance. The eyes of the areca nut-eyed fighting cock are reddish brown or amber yellow, large, round and clear, exuding sophistication and determination. The comb of this chicken breed is usually a strawberry comb or a herring comb, bright red or purple in color, creating a majestic and fierce beauty.

The cock’s beak is short and strong, yellow or black in color, often slightly curved down at the tip. This beak is a powerful weapon that helps fighting cocks grip prey or opponents in battle.

Characteristics of feather and wing colorAreca nut-eyed fighting cock

This chicken breed stands out with beautiful plumage with a variety of colors, from strong jet black to brilliant red. But the most prominent among them is dark purple, a unique blend of black and purple, creating a luxurious and noble beauty.

The feather quality of fighting cocks is also extremely special. Their fur is thick and smooth, giving it a silky shine. This characteristic helps fighting cocks easily escape opponents’ attacks.

Fighting chicken legs with areca nut eyes

This chicken’s legs are long, firm and very strong with flexible, agile movements. Chicken legs are also covered with thin scales, almost hairless. This helps them easily avoid attacks on their legs, increasing their ability to compete.

See: Thể Thao 789BET

What are the fighting characteristics of areca nut-eyed fighting cocks?

Fighting cocks possess outstanding fighting characteristics, helping them become fierce warriors on the stage. Here are some outstanding characteristics of the fighting ability of fighting cocks:

Innate aggressiveness

Right from the moment they hatch, the areca nut-eyed fighting cock has shown its aggression. They often bite and peck each other and compete for food. As they grow older, their aggressiveness grows stronger. They are always ready to fight any opponent, no matter how big or small.

Endurance and toughness

Fighting cocks with areca nut eyes are considered to have good endurance and toughness, they can fight for a long time without getting tired. Well-trained fighting chickens often have better endurance and flexibility than untrained chickens.

Combat tactics

Like this chicken often use quick and strong attack tactics. They often attack their opponents with consecutive kicks and pecks. This breed of chicken is also very skillful in dodging opponents’ attacks.

Main attacks

The areca nut-eyed fighting cock has many main attacks, including kicks, pecking attacks and strangulation attacks. The fighting cock’s kicks are very strong and can cause great damage to the opponent. The chicken’s pecking attack is also very fast and accurate. Their strangulation attack can cause opponents to suffocate.

How to raise chickens effectively

To raise fighting chickens with areca nut-shaped eyes that are healthy and develop well, farmers need to pay close attention to appropriate farming methods and methods. Some effective ways to raise chickens include:

  • Attentive care: Fighting chickens need to be well cared for, including regular bathing, keeping the cage clean, and ensuring enough light and fresh air.
  • Exercise regularly: Fighting cocks need to be trained regularly to increase physical strength and fighting ability.
  • Healthy eating mode: Ensure a reasonable diet for chickens including nutritious foods, green vegetables, necessary vitamins, minerals,…
  • Disease prevention: Chicken farmers need to pay attention to preventing chicken diseases by periodically vaccinating and cleaning the barn.

Areca nut-eyed fighting cocks possess outstanding advantages in appearance, health and fighting ability. Therefore, they are chosen by many cockfighters as fighting cocks in professional cockfighting matches and have become a symbol of courage and strength.

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